Category: News

PenguiCon 2024 Postmortem or How Not to Handle Cyberstalking

Well, this is going to be awkward, and looong. Many of you reading this know all too well my wife and I, as well as our family and friends’ network, have been the all-consuming fixation of a small but clinically obsessed cult of criminal cyberstalkers for the better part of the last six years. I’ve […]

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The Biggest Story of 2022 (Or Any Other Year)

With everyone doing their year-end and best of lists, I thought I’d thrown mine in the ring. And it’s a big one. Maybe the biggest of all time. Something happened this year for the first time in all of human history and nobody seems to have noticed. Humanity passed through a Filter. Let me explain. […]

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Confronting Jonestown in America

Recently, I asked my Twitter following what I thought was a simple enough question. “Do you know where ‘Drinking the Kool-Aid’ comes from?” The range of responses were eye-opening. Among my following, Gen X and older had vivid recollections of the events that coined the phrase, while Millennials and younger were largely in the dark.  […]

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The Canopus Awards, Year Two. Drumroll Please…

Big announcement today, everybody. Yesterday, after an unfortunate hiatus caused by Hurricane Harvey, the people over at 100 Year Starship were finally able to announce the winners of the second year of the Canopus Award for Excellence in Interstellar Writing. As the name suggests, these awards go out to authors and works that align with […]

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STARSHIP REPO Audiobook Available Now

Audiobookphiles! The long wait is over. STARSHIP REPO is now available to pipe into your eardrums. Narrated again by Broadway star Alyssa Bresnahan, it’s a can’t miss. Burn a credit and give it a listen here. From the summary: Firstname Lastname is a no one with nowhere to go, with a name that is the […]

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CONvergence 2019 Schedule

  Hello fans and followers! We’re one month out from CONvergence 2019, in my not-so-humble opinion the best con in the Midwest. If you’ve ever been to CONvergence before, you know it’s famous for cosplay and themed room parties going well into the wee hours. And this year, it’s moving to new digs downtown, near […]

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Fake Reviews and Amazon’s Apathy

Hello fans, friends, and followers. As you (hopefully) know by now, Tuesday marks the launch of my next book from Tor, STARSHIP REPO. Order yourself a copy, you won’t be disappointed. Unfortunately, the impending book birthday party for my newest is being crashed by a familiar group of rabid, obsessed cyberstalkers. For the last nine […]

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Trump Goes Full Autocrat. Never Go Full Autocrat.

  What a year this week has been, and it’s still only Friday. On Monday, Trump’s former personal lawyer, mob fixer, and porn star payer-offer, Michael Cohen, reported to federal prison to begin a three year sentence for crimes he committed on behalf of, under the implicit instruction of, and for the benefit of the […]

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NASA’s Unexplained Files, S6E3 Recap

  It’s here, fans and followers! Thursday night, I made my TV debut on NASA’s Unexplained Files. As you might expect, I… didn’t watch it live because I was in a theater with my wife for Avengers: Endgame. Because we have priorities. But first thing the next day, we hopped on the ol’ DVR and […]

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Repost: A MAGA Hat is not “Just a Hat.”

Hey folks. So my incel cyberstalking army is at it again, making false mass reports against my Facebook account hoping to deplatform me there just as they did with Twitter. As a result, I’m removing anything they could potentially take out of context and use against me. One post in particular has made their undies […]

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