ConFusion Report

Happy first-day-back-after-a-con day, everyone! I spent the weekend in Michigan, surrounded by a brick wall topped with a barbed-wire fence. Sadly, or happily, the rest of the story is not as dramatic as the opening might make it seem. I was a panelist at Immortal Confusion, and for a smallish con, (around 850 attendees) it […]

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Escaping the Pile: Part V

Hello again. I’m cramming in as much work as possible this week ahead of Immortal ConFusion this weekend, so let’s get today’s post rolling. Last week, we talked about the critical importance of crafting a killer opening. This week, we’re delving deeper. Once you’ve hooked the slush reader with a brilliant line or introductory paragraph, […]

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You Can’t Stop the Signal…

Hey gang! Couple things to report today. First, please take a moment to boost the signal on Sarah Hans’ Blog and read a short interview about her debut anthology project, “Sidekicks!” She says nice things about my story, “Coffee and Collaborators.” Now, it’s just over a week before I pack up the rental car and […]

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Escaping the Pile: Part IV

Good morning, internets! I hope everyone’s New Year’s is getting off on the right foot. It’s another week, so it’s time for the next installment of Escaping the Pile. Everything we’ve talked about so far: cover letters, formatting, word count, compatibility, has been about preparation. These are things you can do to improve the odds […]

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Escaping the Pile: Part III

Well, the two week long fugue of parties, presents, food, ball games, and drink is over, and it seems we’ve stumbled into another new year without too many casualties. So it’s time to return to real life. While we were all busy, Sarah Hans accepted my short story “Coffee and Collaborators” for her debut anthology […]

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Escaping the Pile: Part II

Hello world. I’m not going to lie, I’m dragging something fierce to pull myself out of the post-Christmas malaise. I’m full of too much lasagna, Andes mints, and seasonal beer to be a valuable member of society, and next week, we’re going to do it all over again. However, I promised you the next segment […]

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Escaping the Pile: Confessions of a Slushie Machine, Part I

Good afternoon, aspiring writers! Today, I’m starting a six-part series on what you can do to kick your work to the top of the pile and start getting noticed. But first, what makes me think I can tell you anything? Well, I’ve managed through hard work and a generous helping of luck to get over […]

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Rat on the Run

Hello, everyone! Some exciting things to report today. A couple weeks ago, in a fit of creativity, I wrote a short story in a day. “Coffee and Collaborators” was the result, written with an anthology invite in mind. It tells the tale of the sidekicks of the world’s most beloved superhero, and it’s most dangerous […]

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The First Hit is Free

Morning all! As promised last week, here’s a sample of what I’m working on for NaNoWriMo. It’s the first 3k words or so of my next novel. It’s a raw, unedited draft at this point, so any grammatical errors are completely intentional, and part of a hidden code. I hope you enjoy it. Leave a […]

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Giant Fightin’ Robots and Muscle Cars

Another sale to announce today. I’ve signed a contract with Catalyst for a short story set in the BattleTech universe. It’s called “Sore Loser”, and should appear on the BattleCorps website at a date yet to be determined. As a big fan of the Mechwarrior videogame series for many years, I’m really satisfied and honored […]

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