GATE CRASHERS Advanced Reader Copies!


Hey friends, fans, and followers.  Are you a book reviewer? Want an ARC of my first book from Tor? It’s got competent women doing cool things, a gay black space marine kicking ass, a silverback gorilla press liaison, sentient nuclear missiles, and a drug-dependent alien going cold turkey, all set to a tune of First Contact and the Apocalypse.

If that sounds like your thing, drop me an email at patrickstomlinson AT gmail DOT com with ARC in the subject line and I’ll send the request up the line to my editor.

For the rest of you, you can preorder GATE CRASHERS at this link. Preordering a book you know you’re going to want anyway is one of the best things you can do for your favorite authors as it helps build buzz and set buy-in sizes from bookstores, shelf placement, etc.

Out in late June, GATE CRASHERS is the first of a new series set in something we’re calling The Breach. Next up in the series, STARSHIP REPO! Which I should really finish writing…

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